Posted in Inspiration



in Inspiration By Mccuon on 08 Mar 2016

God in His sovereign power led the Israelites through the desert. However, as it is human nature, they asked for a physical leader; with a well maintained system of governance among themselves. Like their neighbors they wanted to become. The priests the Levites were maintained , their roles still remained –to lead people in worship and keep the government in check with God’s word.
Today the world stands at a great dilemma with unclear demarcations between the roles of the state and the church.
To identify with, for instance, in Kenya- is the state over exercising its power in making policies which govern the church?
Does it really have this mandate? Were the recently released policies (still under amendments) a clear reflection of this unsettled strain .
On the other hand, is the church; as an institution with divine mandate failing in making policies to govern its running? What does the church have to say about its recent scandals seen allover in the press? Does the church still have its moral authority to stand and advice the state on matters of morality?
It was a privilege for the Main Campus Christian Union to host Mr. Metto Sylvester ,a lawyer by profession to share insights with the members , on this great Friday night about the state of affair between the church and the state and to air out the voice of a Christian profession serving in the government.
First he pointed out that the state is a secular institution while the church is a religious one but both with a degree of power, thus the conflict was expected. In light with the recently released policies (still under amendments) he noted that it was not right for the state to set an education qualification for the clergy for theirs is a calling from God to serve Him.
On matters taxation, the church has put it forward as double taxation for the member because they are the same tax payers. Furthermore, the church is categorized as a charitable, non-profit making institution. On the clergy found using unworthy means to coax money from believers; he categorically noted that it was a criminal act deserving charges in a court of law.
Now since that is the state of the matter, is there hope for the country, taking into consideration all the corruption and moral erosion ? What about we the young Christian professionals?
This is the message of hope – we are the light that this world which is darkened by corruption desperately needs. Let’s step out with courage and be the light in the corporate world. let’s be ready to take up leadership positions out there and bring Godly fear to the world.

By Annette Gatwiri


Author : Mccuon

The Main Campus Christian Union, MCCU is an interdenominational,non profit making and non political .We acknowledge the sovereignty of God in creation, revelation, redemption an,d final judgment,Thereby we are committed to deepen and strengthen the spiritual life of the individual, as members and to witness to the Lord Jesus as God incarnate and to seek to lead others to a personal faith in Him.Bound by the calling to live holy and righteous lives based on The Holy Bible and following the example of our Lord Jesus and appreciating our ethnic, cultural, denominational and gender diversities. .

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