MCCU Membership

There are three forms of membership in the union, they are:

1. Full Membership

Full membership is open to all undergraduate students, at the Main Campus of the University of Nairobi and to undergraduate students of all other campuses of the University of Nairobi residing in the Main Campus Halls of residence, who conscientiously sign the following declaration:

In joining this Union, I declare my faith in Jesus Christ as my savior my Lord and my God and it is my desire, by the grace of God to live a life consistent with this declaration and the doctrinal basis of the union. I am also determined to give active support to the Union as it seeks to fulfill its aims.

2. Special Membership

Its open to all other undergraduate students of the University of Nairobi who conscientiously sign the declaration provided above, provided they are not full members of Christian Unions in other campuses of the University of Nairobi.

3. Associate Membership

Assosiate membership is open to all former students of the University of Nairobi who uphold the Christian Faith, the Aims and the Doctrinal Basis of the Union.


  • Members in categories 1 and 2 renew membership at the beginning of every academic year by signing on the form containing the declaration in 1 above.
  • Membership in categories 1 and 2 cease in the event of completion or termination of studies at the University or on written resignation and/or on a careful and judicious exercise of the power conferred on the Executive Committee.

Join MCCU Family

We invite you to join us at Main Campus Christian Union, University of Nairobi.

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God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him

By John Piper