Till I entered the sanctuary of God

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Till I entered the sanctuary of God

Till I entered the sanctuary of God

in Articles By Mccuon on 01 Jul 2015

My first day in MCCU was during orientation 2012. I was a time bomb waiting to explode. New in campus, excited for the city and raw from the village, perfect ingredients to take on anything. But it was until I entered the sanctuary of God that I understood several things that have shaped my life through campus. It was until I met MCCU that I understood what it meant not only to be a man but to be a CALEB, because as I will submit it later, man is for under the sun, caleb is for eternity. Ahu!

Caleb is a calling. Belonging to God and walking in the uprightness thereof, a caleb is one who understands and holds with reverence the calling of the Almighty in his life. And this call according to Romans 8:30 comes with justification and glory. Such knowledge is too lofty for me! Am excited to know that God who foreknew us, predestined us to be conformed into the likeness of his son that we may be the firstborn among many brothers. Let us then walk tall upholding the permanence of God’s gift to us and making deliberate choices to last forever in this kingdom. To be male is chance, to be a man is choice, to be a caleb is a call…the very voice of God.

Caleb is anointing. We are signs and symbols in Israel from the Lord Almighty, who dwells on Mount Zion. Yes! Brothers, we are signs, and carriers of the nature of God. The anointing upon us is not worth dollars, no! It’s a valued, treasured richness that we have drawn from our Father, who art in heaven. Let us be completely humble and gentle; anointing is normally delicate, it doesn’t even come in plural. We are meant to build up the body of Christ until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

Caleb is love. Love is the Christian signature. To be loving means to be patient, kind, humble, selfless, peaceable, truthful, trustworthy, protective, hopeful and to persevere. Quite a wholesome package. It takes more than just African culture of men being seen as fearless to escort 10 QUEENS to halls of residence when you are alone. Even the Bible acclaims it in 1John that perfect love casts out all fear. Queens hear this, escotology is love driven…and caleb is love.

Caleb is elegance. The English dictionary will give some of the synonyms of elegance as sophistication and classy. Have you seen smartly dressed and well-kept brothers and you realized this is something out of the ordinary? There is something about being in the sanctuary that just causes holy sophistication. And then it goes beyond what you can see to every matter of wisdom and understanding.

Finally, calebhood is impossible without being a brother. The man of God must be ready and willing to submit unto the calling, the anointing, the love and the elegance and to understand that under the sun, we are just but for a time. And more less a time under the watch of monster campus. As men, the world looks up to us to give direction and to roll up our sleeves for our families, the church and for our country. We are leaders and we shall give an account…Hebrews 13:17. Let us commit to punctuating life with good virtue. When other men enter the sanctuary, let them find the calebrated (like a caleb) brother. Caleb is a standard, caleb is forever.

By Issa Gachanja


Author : Mccuon

The Main Campus Christian Union, MCCU is an interdenominational,non profit making and non political .We acknowledge the sovereignty of God in creation, revelation, redemption an,d final judgment,Thereby we are committed to deepen and strengthen the spiritual life of the individual, as members and to witness to the Lord Jesus as God incarnate and to seek to lead others to a personal faith in Him.Bound by the calling to live holy and righteous lives based on The Holy Bible and following the example of our Lord Jesus and appreciating our ethnic, cultural, denominational and gender diversities. .

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