Posted in Spirituality



in Spirituality By Mccuon on 16 Aug 2016

Humans, even the ones closest to being fully restored to God’s likeness, will hardly ever get to fully perceive what He could be intending to do at any particular moment. A friend of mine says the beauty of this life we people of the Book live is that we only know the beginning and the end (of course not entirely), but whatever happens in the middle here we just never have an idea. And here in the middle is an exciting moment often filled with more questions than answers and littered with mountains sometimes far outnumbering the people with faith to move them.



‘Why would anyone leave a well paying job for a future they are uncertain of?’ is one question always asked. Maybe it’s because uncertainty to them promises more than a sure reward ever would and so is more appealing. Or maybe such subscribe to the belief that faith is only faith when without even full understanding we still believe. They don’t demand to first have clarities before they can believe. But by believing they eventually clearly see, their ob

edience yielding understanding.

One Dan Muturi just might be close to helping us understand. Not that he coined some phrase that should quickly top the list of your favorite Christian quotes. He’s not even the guy who after taking a mission training went back home, resigned from his job, packed his every belonging and set off for the unknown lands up North with hopes to save many among the unreached. Quite the opposite actually. When he had come home from VOT, a two month missions training by MCN, he stayed. And then he shared, fearlessly chasing after the ‘impossible’ by asking people to do what perhaps seemed the impossible.

His father, willing to bend low enough to be taught by one he sired (our highest honor will always come from showing the highest regard for the least among us by the way) got challenged to action upon learning about this ‘new’ thing from his son. Leveraging his position as a pastor, he rallied his church to take the Kairos course and after a follow up trip to an unreached people they agreed to adopt a tribe up in Marsabit. Many years of theological training and practice hadn’t achieved this. Yet the impact of the few weeks’ mission training and exposure wouldn’t have achieved such an impact without them.

Andrew, the guy whose mission vision felt so compelling a dream job wouldn’t deter him from pursuing it, would have never known who he’d team up with to fulfill his calling. All he knew is he had a burden for some unreached people and didn’t have the remotest idea how it would work out. He knew he’d need money, but could never bring the millions he had accumulated in assets over the years with him coz God had asked it all away. Neither would his bride to be, Evelyn. She too had committed to full time ministry and couldn’t work as commonly expected. But praise be to the God whom when we think we’ve thrown it all away for His sake turns our loss into g


If you believe that every Christian is called to be a part of God’s Kingdom purpose then you will agree when I say that it is for each other that we are called. I’ve never heard anyone say “My calling is to myself”. The truth is that without someone else in the world, whether you’ve ever met them or not, you would never have a calling on your life. God’s kingdom is made of men, His purposes are for men, and He accomplishes them through men. He puts a dream in ones heart and makes the fulfillment of this dream another man’s dream. And on it goes like in a circular motion so none ever misses a place.

That’s the beautiful display that showed when Dan’s church was linked with the willing couple of Andrew and Evelyn and bore as their first fruit the sending out of a missionary couple to serve among the Rendile people in Ulauli village in Marsabit county. Last week Tuesday they left for their new home, their feet that bear the good news of the Gospel firmly supported by hearts and hands of many back home. Those at the mission agency, Missions Campaign Network they’ve served with for years. Those at their sending church World Wide Gospel Church in Utawala. Those everyday hustling to beat traffic and at every end of the month send out their support to mission work.

We are the shoulders they’ll stand on in a land there aren’t raised pulpits to proclaim the scriptures from. If we crumble they’ll fall. Good thing is we are held by hands that can’t fail, and so we’ll never let go too. Their hope is that the commands of God will influence the elderly men at the barazas where they make decisions for the community. That His statutes will be heard from the women’s conversations. And that His precepts will determine the rules the children set for their games.

‘”Is that even possible?” you may ask. I think more precisely you should ask what your lot of faithfulness will have been when that happens. And that, when it happens, will mark only the start. The lovelier picture is when the Rendile of Ulauli will join all other tribes, tongues a

nd peoples of this world around God’s throne like written in Rev 7:9 at the end. They will praise God like only they can, and take to Him a glory only they possess. The Olings won’t wear the Rendile crown of righteousness alone in heaven. We’ll share in it because we understood that to be partakers at the end we must have been a part from the start.

So we will give of our hard earned salaries even when our colleagues find trouble trying to understand why. We’ll sacrificially pray with desperation for the Rendile to receive the Gospel as if we were the ones perishing without it. We’ll call others to join us in the Great Call, bathe in the joy of some joining us, curl for a while in the disappointment of some turning us down, and pick up ourselves and head out to rally some more. The CEO might give big bucks, but the work will be accomplished thanks to the few hundreds of the student too.

The pastor will win his church to the commission, but by the same Spirit the soft spoken lanky young man will win over his friend who just might be the next missionary the pastor’s church sends. It doesn’t matter who we are or what we do. What matters is if we obeyed. I believe this one thing, that if the good news of the Kingdom is to reach the ends of the earth like Christ commanded, then the message of the Great Commission must first reach the ends of the Church. All who haven’t heard are meant to be reached by all who truly believe. So it’s not enough that you give, pray or have even gone to the unreached. Don’t stop until everyone that should gives, prays and goes. Join the movement if you haven’t, rejoin if you already are a part, and grow the call stronger till when our groom Christ comes.



Author : Mccuon

The Main Campus Christian Union, MCCU is an interdenominational,non profit making and non political .We acknowledge the sovereignty of God in creation, revelation, redemption an,d final judgment,Thereby we are committed to deepen and strengthen the spiritual life of the individual, as members and to witness to the Lord Jesus as God incarnate and to seek to lead others to a personal faith in Him.Bound by the calling to live holy and righteous lives based on The Holy Bible and following the example of our Lord Jesus and appreciating our ethnic, cultural, denominational and gender diversities. .

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By Mccu Literature on 19 Dec 2024

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