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in Articles By Mccuon on 15 Feb 2018


The Chastity Campaign was pioneered and flagged by The Focus Kenya in February 2016 and dubbed “Igniting for Purity” with the slogan “Mwili Wangu, Mali ya Mungu,” .Aimed at raising awareness on chastity, the campaign seeks to rediscover godly values about sexuality that have faded away. Moreover, the campaign is the trumpet of truth in matters of sexuality through a statement that obliges young people to stand for purity.


This year’s Chastity week awareness runs from 12th– 18th February.

“Matthew 19:25-26; when the disciples heard this they were greatly astonished, saying, “Who then can be saved?” But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “with men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

With today’s sexual pervasiveness, we may be wondering just like the disciples, “who then can be saved?  Peer pressure and the chants on homosexuality, fornication, adultery bestiality among the many evils which have resounded a million times in our ears. Many a times just like the disciples, we have had shreds of doubts, ‘can we be saved?’

It is glad to know that we are not alone, the disciples of Jesus too had doubts inspite having the saviour with them.

I once thought that sexual temptations and fleshly desires would eventually come to an end after marriage. Therefore, I looked forward to it as a solution, only to realise that in married men and women, sexual immorality abounds just as in singlehood.

Jesus responded “…with men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible”. I beg to concur that I am not the only one who has wished not to slip and fall into sexual sin but also a good number of Christians. We’ve tried to live right by our own means, at times succeeded, tremendously failed or short lived if our means worked. Jesus, our Saviour has not only an answer but an assurance to us that with God it is possible to live right and fall not into sexual sin and be saved.

Micah 4:2 posits “…Come lets us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the House of God of Jacob; that He may teach us His ways and we may walk in His paths.”

My call for us today is to let God do His work in our lives and teach us His ways, through His word, fellowship and accountability amongst ourselves and for sure we shall emerge the ‘called that do not shrink back’. Note! We ought to let God do His work and deliberately like Joseph flee from sin. Genesis 39:12.

Abraham Lincoln remained sceptical and cynical about religion till in his forties. He lost his son and was greatly disturbed by the ugly and dreadful state of His country.  More than fifty wounded soldiers were dying after every dawn in the hospices. He choose to turn to God through a pastor in New York as opposed to his wife who in contrast, searched out for New Age mediums for relief. He confided that he was driven many times onto his knees by an overwhelming conviction that he had nowhere else to go.

Similarly for us today, we have nowhere else to go. However we have the assurance of Jesus, ‘that it is only possible with God,’ so we should seek and cling to God every day. Having our desires to live right; be a force pushing us closer and closer to God, who is going to teach us His ways that we can walk in them.

A hymn chords;

“Jesus knows all about our struggles,

He will guide us till the day is done,

There’s not a friend like the lowly Jesus,

No, not one! No, not one,”

Remember! With God it is possible and do not forget to sign a chastity pledge card if you haven’t.


Piper.J, Solid Joys; Lincoln’s Providence;12th February 2018.

There’s not a friend like the lowly Jesus,

Retrieved from


Kevin Mbugua,


Author : Mccuon

The Main Campus Christian Union, MCCU is an interdenominational,non profit making and non political .We acknowledge the sovereignty of God in creation, revelation, redemption an,d final judgment,Thereby we are committed to deepen and strengthen the spiritual life of the individual, as members and to witness to the Lord Jesus as God incarnate and to seek to lead others to a personal faith in Him.Bound by the calling to live holy and righteous lives based on The Holy Bible and following the example of our Lord Jesus and appreciating our ethnic, cultural, denominational and gender diversities. .

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