Psalm 3:3

Devotional for Wed, Jan 03, 2024

Psalm 3:3

Scripture Reference: Psalm 3:3

by MCCUON | Wed, Jan 03, 2024

Scripture Exerpt:

But you, O Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, and the one who lifts my head high.

Devotional Text

Even as a child, David recognized God’s divine shield of protection around him. He felt so safe when surrounded by his enemies that he could actually lie down and sleep. God has always protected His children and made a way of escape for those He loves (1 Corinthians 10:13). Genesis 6 describes another example of God’s protection, relating how He saved Noah’s family from the raging waters of destruction that He had sent to cleanse the earth. Later on, in Genesis 19, the Lord delivered Lot and his family out of the city of Sodom just moments before He destroyed it with fire and brimstone. Christ found the way of escape from temptation in the wilderness when Satan came on three separate occasions with his most subtle deceptions. Each time Jesus escaped from the snare by quoting the Word of God. In times of trouble, remember, as did Noah and his family, that the raging waters and winds outside your “ark” pose no threat. You are safe and dry inside the refuge of God. Let the winds blow, the heathen rage, and the enemy rise up. God’s angels will protect and deliver you in the midst of any storm!

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