Numbers 24:17

Devotional for Sat, Mar 16, 2024

Numbers 24:17

Scripture Reference: Numbers 24:17

by MCCUON | Sat, Mar 16, 2024

Scripture Exerpt:

I see him, but not in the present time. I perceive him, but far in the distant future. A star will rise from Jacob; a scepter will emerge from Israel.

Devotional Text

We call the leading character in a movie, a play, or an athletic event the star. God has a Star and desires that every eye be upon Him! In his final prophecies, Balaam saw a vision of a star rising out of Jacob. In the distance beyond the camp of Israel, Balaam could see Israel’s supreme Leader who would crush Moab. When the devil looks out over the Church, he is blinded by the light of our Bright and Morning Star, the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus rises above all our enemies in His glory. The shepherds saw the Star of all history face-to-face the night He was born in a manger (Luke 2:16). Tradition says the star Balaam saw was the same one the wise men followed from the East to find Christ. Moved by the Spirit, Simeon entered the temple and held in his arms the “light to reveal God to the nations” (Luke 2:32). May we never move our eyes away from the Centerpiece of God’s universe: Jesus, the Star of Jacob.

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