Intercessory is a praying ministry consists of average of 40 people
We meet every Wednesday from 5 to 6pm at the Ufunamano Chapel and join the union in morning prayers every morning from 5:00 to 6:30am from Monday to Friday.
Intercessors join Sunday service facilitators every Sunday morning from 7:00 to 8:25am for prayers at the MPH basement.

We also have meetings every Sunday like other ministries after the service at 8.4.4 building.

MISSION - To provide a place for spiritual renewal, rest and contemplative reflection. To offer opportunities for reconciliation with one’s self, nature and fellow human beings To help change one’s personal and spiritual life advancing the dignity of all people To promote an attitude of gratitude in all things sharing the blessings with the most in need of it.

VISION - Find God in all things; welcome people of all kinds. Love of God in everything we are and love of people through everything we do.

To join the intercessory ministry contact:

 Austin Aoro - 0798388458, Gloria Komen - 0745067174, Julius Kyalo - 0707656183