Isaiah 6:8 " Whom shall I send ....Here am I send me"
This team was established in 1993 by born again students of The University of Nairobi from Ukambani region.
It was known as Ukambani Evangelistic Team(UET) , it laiter was changed to Uttermost Evangelistic team to allow diversity . It has grown to consist of 14 student branches in different universities in the country and 3 non- student braches in Nairobi , Machakos and Kitui. It is a team regesterd under the societies Act with the mandate of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Kenya .
- The bible is the inspired word of God and none may add there to or to take away therefrom except their damnation
- The unity and trinity of Godhead eternally exists in three co -equal persons: The Father , The Son and The Holy Spirit and these three are ONE.
- The Universal church consists of all persons who have been regenarated by the Holy Spirit and made new creatures in Christ Jesus.
- Christ existent before His incarnation , and through the Power of the Holy Spirit was conceived and born of the Virgin Mary.
- THrough Adams sin all human beings became sinners and through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, all who believe in Him are saved from penalty and power of sin
- Christ is the Healer of the body and resurrection of Jesus Christ, all who believe in are saved from penalty and power of sin.
- The Great mandate of the church is to glorify Him and to be found in the Great commissioning'mathew 28:19'
- Christ as the baptizer in the Holy Spirit should be evident in the life of christians.
- Jesus will return to receive unto himself the church and afterwards set up His Throne as King.
Though Salvation is obtained by Faith alone in Lord Jesus Christ , good works and obidience to the revealed Will of God in life and service are important, for through them eternal reward shall be received.
VISION: To lead organization in transforming the lives of people in Kenya and beyond , by the holistic gospel of Christ through the power of the Holy Ghost.
MISSION: As a non-denominational ministry ; UET is committed to prayerfully proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ through preaching, discipleship, training, mentoring and implimentation of community development initiatives in Kenya and Beyond.
GOAL :All nations of the world starting with Kenya are trasformed by the holistic gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Intergrity and Purity
- Transparency and accountability
- Team work
- Passion and Compassion
- Servanthood
- Excellence
- Role modeling
- Evangelism- The gospel of Jesus Christ is preached to the unreached through the holistic approach.
- Discipleship-New members and new coverts are nutured to maturity for the kingdom of God.
Resource Mobilization and infrastructural development - Sufficcient financial and infrastructural resources are mobilized for evangelising and discipleship.
- Be a student at ther university to join university fellowship member
- Be an associate of UET to join the non-student branches.
- Thursdays are prayer and fasting days
- We meet at 4:00pm at ed1 for sunday fellowship.