MID-EASTERN UNITED BRETHREN EVANGELISTIC TEAM (MUBET) was established in 1993 and is active in 11 universities spread nationwide. It is a Christian team with members professing Christ and being faithful witnesses in all spheres of life.
The ministry's core mandate is to evangelize, and to share the gospel with a focus on the Mid-Eastern part of Kenya (Embu, Isiolo, Tharaka Nithi, Meru, Marsabit and Samburu and beyond through evangelism, discipleship, missions training, and mentorship, for holistic transformation of the society.
MUBET gives an array of rich interdisciplinary specialties that can be used for the holistic propagation of the gospel of Christ. The ministry being interdenominational, non-political, and non-tribal means it can forge united front for the gospel without cultural and political prejudices that sometimes pose hindrances to gospel propagation. It also focuses on providing Mentorship programs to the affiliated campuses and colleges. The ministry runs independently from other affiliations of Christian Union in campuses and colleges but it’s among the regional groups accepted and recognized by Focus Kenya.
Membership is open to individuals and corporate (s). It comprises of:
- Student Membership
It is comprised of undergraduates of any Chapter that is affiliated with the Ministry, who ascribes to the faith and confesses God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit and is committed to the Ministry activities: missions, prayer retreats, conventions, training and fellowships among others.
- Special / Members by Partnership
It is open to individuals, ministries, churches, societies, and organizations that have not been members in any of the affiliated chapters but have partnered closely with the Ministry and its activities and are willing to continue doing so and uphold the Christian Faith.
- Associate /Alumni Membership
All former students of the affiliated chapters; who uphold the Christian faith and the doctrinal basis, are willing to support the Ministry and take part in the Ministry’s activities.
- Trustees – are the leaders who act as custodians of the ministry’s assets and sit for board meetings. The Director answers to them directly.
- Office of Director – Made up of leaders that run the ministry’s activities nationally.
- Associate leadership – Made up of alumni leaders in various regions.
- National Students Governing Council – are student leaders who sit in the national council meeting to represent campuses, colleges, and various regions.
MUBET Ministry ascribes to the word and teachings in the bible. We are committed to the Great Commission of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18 - 19, Acts 8:4).
Mission: To present the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Mid-Eastern region of Kenya and beyond,through evangelism, discipleship, training, mentorship and mission work for holistic transformation of the society.
Vision: Having a holistically transformed society committed to authentic Christian living.
Core values
- i) Integrity
- ii) Stewardship and Accountability
iii) Commitment to the Holy Scriptures iv) Spiritual Development
- v) Servant Leadership
MUBET Ministry has been in existence for the last 30 years as an evangelistic team. Major activities include; a national mission bi-annually, this brings together all campuses for a mega mission. The student’s ministry has a calendar of events that allows them to hold a mission at a location of their choice. This ensures there is no conflicting activities among the national ministry and students in consideration of various campus and college calendars.
Prior to any Mission, the ministry carries out mission training to equip the missioners. The ministry ensures that it gets the best trainers who have vast exposure to the mission ground of interest both on social, economic, cultural, and political.
In most cases the ministry partners with churches and/or pastors in the area of interest for effective evangelism and discipleship.