Isaiah 22:15-16

Devotional for Mon, Sep 16, 2024

Isaiah 22:15-16

Scripture Reference: Isaiah 22:15-16

by MCCUON | Mon, Sep 16, 2024

Scripture Exerpt:

Furthermore, the Lord, the Lord Almighty, told me to confront Shebna, the palace administrator, and to give him this message: “Who do you think you are, building a beautiful tomb for yourself in the rock?”

Devotional Text

God is sovereign. He can do whatever He pleases, removing or promoting anyone He desires. He sent Isaiah to warn Shebna, “The Lord is about to seize you and hurl you away. He is going to send you into captivity, you strong man! He will crumble you up into a ball and toss you away into a distant, barren land. . . .”(Isaiah 22:17-18). Like Haman in Esther’s day, Shebna was a proud, ungodly ruler who felt his power was unlimited. He had no awareness that God would depose him from his office and oust him from his position “This is the message from the one who is holy and true. He is the one who has the key of David. He opens doors, and no one can shut them; he shuts doors, and no one can open them” (Revelation 3:7). Submit your life, plans, promotions, and future to the One who holds the keys to life. It is not your strength that can make you great—it is His sovereign power!

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