Job 16:19

Devotional for Sun, Aug 25, 2024

Job 16:19

Scripture Reference: Job 16:19

by MCCUON | Sun, Aug 25, 2024

Scripture Exerpt:

Even now my witness is in heaven. My advocate is there on high.

Devotional Text

Through all Job’s struggles, two things brought him hope: there was Someone in heaven who would represent his cause, and even if he died, he would be resurrected. Job longed for an unseen intercessor, who would “mediate between God and me, as a person mediates between friends” (Job 16:21). John tells us that we do indeed have Someone to act as a mediator for us, and “He is Jesus Christ, the one who pleases God completely” (1 John 2:1). Through all the false accusations leveled by his “friends,” Job clung to one central thought: “I know that my Redeemer lives, and that he will stand upon the earth at last” (Job 19:25). That reality led him to a second conclusion: “And after my body has decayed, yet in my body I will see God” (Job 19:26). This is the clearest statement of Job’s belief in the resurrection. He knew that even after his body was destroyed, he would see God in his own flesh. Hold to these two great truths for encouragement: Your Advocate is praying for you, and one day, in a glorified body just like His own, you will see Him face-to-face.

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