Matthew 7:1-2

Devotional for Thu, Jan 18, 2024

Matthew 7:1-2

Scripture Reference: Matthew 7:1-2

by MCCUON | Thu, Jan 18, 2024

Scripture Exerpt:

Stop judging others, and you will not be judged. For others will treat you as you treat them. Whatever measure you use in judging others, it will be used to measure how you are judged.

Devotional Text

How quick we are to judge something or someone with a standard we cannot live up to ourselves. When Judah discovered his daughter-in-law’s prostitution, his first reaction was “Bring her out and burn her!” (Genesis 38:24). The problem he failed to realize was that he was the one who had hired her as a prostitute! When Nathan told David a story about a poor man who had only one sheep that was stolen by a man who had many sheep, David was enraged. “As surely as the Lord lives,” he vowed, “any man who would do such a thing deserves to die!” (2 Samuel 12:5). Verse 7 says, “Then Nathan said to David, ‘You are that man!’ ” The Pharisees wrongly judged Jesus Christ when they said He cast out devils by the devil. Jesus asked them, “And if I am empowered by the prince of demons, what about your own followers? They cast out demons, too, so they will judge you for what you have said” (Matthew 12:27). Jesus taught His disciples that they would be judged by the same standard with which they judged others (Matthew 7:2). It’s hard to remove a splinter from someone else’s eye when there is a log in your own!

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