Psalm 12:6

Devotional for Sun, Jan 14, 2024

Psalm 12:6

Scripture Reference: Psalm 12:6

by MCCUON | Sun, Jan 14, 2024

Scripture Exerpt:

The Lord’s promises are pure, like silver refined in a furnace, purified seven times over.

Devotional Text

One word from God can completely revolutionize your life. Jacob received one such word in Genesis 31:10-12, when God instructed him concerning the “streaked, speckled, and spotted” sheep. With that one word, Jacob developed a specific process of breeding the sheep that gradually converted the entire flock to his ownership! God sees the dilemma you are in, whether it’s with an oppressive employer, a difficult marriage partner, or some other strained relationship. He can give you one word of wisdom that will completely change your situation. We call this word revelation. Through dreams and visions, the Holy Spirit communicates to your mind something that is in the mind of God. In Jacob’s case, it made no sense to put peeled rods in front of sheep, but he did it anyway. His obedience to that word from God brought him much success and wealth (Genesis 30:43). Such is the miracle of God’s Word. It may seem ridiculous to the natural mind, but God’s Word works. You must wait upon Him to receive that Word, and then keep it before your eyes daily, just as Jacob placed the rods before his sheep.

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