Psalm 86:3-4

Devotional for Wed, Apr 17, 2024

Psalm 86:3-4

Scripture Reference: Psalm 86:3-4

by MCCUON | Wed, Apr 17, 2024

Scripture Exerpt:

Be merciful, O Lord, for I am calling on you constantly. Give me happiness, O Lord, for my life depends on you.

Devotional Text

Like Caleb, Bartimaeus was a man of persistence. He refused to stop calling out for mercy even when others demanded that he be quiet (Luke 18:39). He knew that Jesus was “so good, so ready to forgive, so full of unfailing love” (Psalm 86:5) to all who called on His name. To get the attention of this God of mercy, your call of faith must never grow weary but must remain fervent. Something about seriousness attracts God’s compassion. A halfhearted request may impress the world, but God knows when you have reached a place of desperation. Bartimaeus was tired of blindness and cared nothing about public opinion. His fervent pleading drew the attention of the Son of God, and his miracle brought much glory to God. The woman with the issue of blood showed the same determination when she pressed in to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment. Remember the words of Psalm 86:17: “Send me a sign of your favor. Then those who hate me will be put to shame, for you, O Lord, help and comfort me.” Keep calling out fervently, for the God of mercy is listening.

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